January 5, 2007

My Daughters Story

My daughter was born a hefty 9lbs 13oz and has always been a "big" girl! The only form of nutrition she received for the first 6 months of her life was breast milk and after that I made her baby food and nursed her until 13 months old. She was a happy and healthy baby showing no signs of food allergies or intolerances from day one. (I've put this information in here to dispel the thoughts that 1. Not feeding a baby gluten before the age of 4-6 months will prevent Celiac Disease, and 2. Nursing a baby for 1 year will help to prevent Celiac Disease...in my case the proof is in the pudding)

I clearly remember a day in October when I heard her cough in the middle of the night. I went to check on her and found that she had vomited. I cleaned her up, took her temperature only to find that it was normal and brushed the incident off, I thought she was just too hot.

What started off as 1 night of vomit quickly progressed to an everyday ordeal of projectile undigested food, many phone calls to the pediatrician, and finally a referral to a Pediatric Gasteroenterologist. We were in the GI's office 1.5 weeks after my daughter started showing symptoms.

After going through a complete family medical history, we drew blood and waited for the results. I received a phone call that went something like this 3 days later:


This is the nurse practitioner at the GI's office, we have R's test results. She has an Autoimmune disorder called Celiac Disease and would like to schedule a biopsy to confirm diagnosis.

What is that?

It means she has a gluten intolerance and this can be controlled completely by her diet.

So are you not sure that she has this?

No, Her test are clearly showing positive for Celiac

Then why do we need to do a biopsy?

To confirm Diagnosis, can we schedule it now?

No, I need to speak with her regular pediatrician first.

To make a long story short we did the biopsy and her diagnosis was confirmed.

My daughters initial TTG's were 73

I fed my daughter 1 saltine cracker a day until her biopsy and she has been gluten free ever since (almost 4 months now)

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